Air Presses

UP - Ultra Air Press
UP - Ultra Air Press (Advanced Controls + High Force)

Our most advanced air press capable of more automation options such as rotary tables, pick and place robots, vision inspection, parts presence sensors, and much more!

DT Presses - Air Presses w/ Digital Timers
DT Presses - Air Presses w/ Digital Timers

The Sonitek Air Press DT Series (DT = equipped with digital timers) bench-top air press are equipped with process controller for digital dwell time and parts counter.

AP Presses - Benchtop Air Presses
AP Presses - Benchtop Air Presses

The Sonitek Air Press AP Series (AP = All Air Press) bench-top air press runs entirely on shop air and requires No electrical power to operate!

RS Presses - Low Cost & Compact
RS Presses - Low Cost & Compact

Sonitek's RS Series air presses are our small and rugged bench-top air presses ideal for light pressing operations.